Thursday 8 December 2016

the Guard -Script

opening Scene-  group in a very dark tunnel - crawling through,

the leader of the group is having a conversation with his son behind him,

Son to Dad : are we their yet ---

dad - no '  Dad Shouts to group Guards count off

5 guards shout back,

how are the servillian's  doing, the 4 sevies shout back,

Son-  Dad--

Dad -  honestly Son I have no idea, she told me to to go this way and Protect him.

Son --  Who.

Dad doesn't reply..

Type 1 Diabetes update

A new UK company plans to grow pancreatic islets in the lab to enable more Type I diabetes suffers to receive transplants

Worthwhile keeping an eye on the above site.

Wednesday 19 May 2010

Type 1 diabetics

Hi all, This is the latest information I have un-earthed about what's happening in the Type 1 world, as I might or might not have said, my son has type 1 diabetics and it breaks his mothers heart to see him taking the injections and having to do the pin pricks for the units 4 and more a day, the then the night time glygine injection.

So with that being said this has been taken from the times online dated  April 11 2007 by David Rose.

In a breakthrough trial, 15 young patients with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes were given drugs to suppress their immune systems followed by transfusions of stem cells drawn from their own blood.
The results show that insulin-dependent diabetics can be freed from reliance on needles by an injection of their own stem cells. The therapy could signal a revolution in the treatment of the condition, which affects more than 300,000 Britons.
People with type 1 diabetes have to give themselves regular injections to control blood-sugar levels, as their ability to create the hormone naturally is destroyed by an immune disorder.All but two of the volunteers in the trial, details of which are published today in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), do not need daily insulin injections up to three years after stopping their treatment regimes.
Type 1 diabetes occurs when the body’s own immune system malfunctions and destroys the insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas, causing a shortage in the hormone.
By the time most patients receive a clinical diagnosis, 60 to 80 per cent of their beta cells have been wiped out. The disease progresses from this point very quickly, and can result in serious long-term complications including blindness, kidney failure, heart disease and stroke.
Dr Voltarelli’s team hoped that if they intervened early enough they could wipe out and then rebuild the body’s immune system by using stem cells, preverving a reservoir of beta cells and allowing them to to regenerate.
They enrolled Brazilian diabetics aged between 14 and 31 who had been diagnosed within the previous six weeks. After stem cells had been harvested from their blood, they then underwent a mild form of chemotherapy to eliminate the white blood cells causing damage to the pancreas. They were then given transfusions of their own stem cells to help rebuild their immune systems.
Richard Burt, a co-author of the study from Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, said that 14 of the 15 patients were insulin-free for some time following the treatment. Eleven of those were able to dispense with supplemental insulin immediately following the infusion of stem cells and have not had recourse to synthetic insulin since then, 
As a research scientist I am always hesitant to speak of a cure, but the initial results have been good and show the importance of conducting more trials,” Dr Burt said. 

Just a quick reminder, this article was written  in 2007 so i'm hoping things have progressed since then. 

if any one has any updates to share please let me know. 

Wednesday 12 May 2010

Scene3&4 Hawk and Dove.

Scene 3
Bad Guys

Two men in 40’s on a bridge talking. Looking outward.
Guy 1 Older middle aged, ‘Have you acquired the package’ 
Guy 2 Mid 30’s, ‘Not yet’.
More chat
With out the camera panning away
Guy 1 takes off this glove then a cigarette appears in it.
As he takes a puff it lights.
We see a half covered tattoo as he raises his arm.

Guy 2 looks at him (like that should not have happened.)
Guy 1 my bosses don’t take disappointment well.

Scene 4

Day time Hawk is driving from work, when a beautiful women (tanned could be from brazil, ‘but we are not sure’ runs out into the road near to where Hawk is driving past. Training day moment. He looks but keeps on driving “not your normal hero move until he see’s she is being chased by a black women and white man. He is still not sure weather to aid the girl but stops the car, while he’s looking at the situation, the girl is running in is his direction, a van out of nowhere speeds towards the action he notices the driver and the licence plate and decides to get out his car for a better look. The two people get a hold of the girl just as the van pulls up. The two guy’s in the car jump out and they start to fight.

Fight and flight

Hawk reluctantly walking towards the situation and notices the girl gets free and is running towards him.
(Gee knew that would happen).

Does open up a thought, about starting the show with the focus on a white hero that gets killed at this point. And the girl runs to Hawk. Then the story then focuses on Hawk. MISDIRECTION.

She asks for his help, Hawk looks at her still deciding, he asks the question what this is about,
She looks at him, like now is not the time. Hawk looks at the fight to see the Black women in the fight reach into her jacket pocket. Hawk looks back at the girl. Getting in. just then shots hits the car the girl ducks, hawk looks at the hole then looks towards the fight to locate the shooter. But the gun is on the floor. You can see him deciding weather to join the fight or get the girl out of their (it’s a guy car thing) the girl shouts and hawk get’s in the car. 

Sunday 9 May 2010

Relax in the Garden

Friday 7 May 2010

Iron Man 2

Went to see Iron man 2 at Imax at Waterloo. Paid £14 and let me say cinema is well worth the money. If you go to IMAX I suggest you sit in one of the last 3 rows at the back in the middle of the isle, they look like were couples would sit. Lot of extra leg room and you can see the screen without straining your eyes and I suggest night time is the best time to go.
Ok enough about IMAX, now onto the film itself..
It starts off well, carries on well, and ends well but to elaborate on this I might have fallen asleep watching this on a smaller screen. Tony Stark role was excellent and well portrayed by actor Robert Downey Jr. It dwell on the chest power source a bit too much for my liking as the director must have been trying to kick a cat through a hamster hatch to make his point ( if you watch it you'd understand ). Whiplash's character could not have been played better by actor Mickey Rourke but the ending was the only let down of the film. It wasn't due to a fault of his own rather the fact that the director had to finish off the film somehow. In my opinion it just felt a bit too quick.
Jim Rhodes played by Don Cheadle played his supporting character role well. I might add when Terrance Howard left after the first film due to money issues, it's nice to see that they went with a good replacement and it's nice to see a dark skin black guy plays the role ( sorry it's just I'm old enough to remember how they used to have powdered down black skin actors on TV or give the roles to light skinned black actors ). I heard there is War machine spin-off I hope it happens.

Pepper Potts and Black Widow- without spoilers all I can say is it's a man's world but it wouldn't be nothing, nothing without a women or a girl. Gwyneth Paltrow being the women and Scarlette Johansson being the girl. Question is who wins the "how tight can my outfit be awards".

Nick Fury - Yay to John Favreau for putting 2 black guys in the film. As many people would say Nick Fury is just the prelude to the avengers.
All in all without giving spoilers away excellent film go see it in the biggest cinema you could possible go and find that's got a nice base sounding audio system for the explosions.

Thursday 6 May 2010

Modern Warfare2 / Battlefield Bad Company 2

Any Modern Warfare 2 online players out there who want to have some fun add me as a friend on ps3 , names Lanternx5. And while you're at it check out this sick knife kill below.

I'm also available to a lesser extent on Battlefield bad company 2.

Now I know most people would say this game is better than Modern Warfare personally I personally prefer the pace at which modern warfare is played especially the big team Death Matches and Domination. Having said that, Bad Company 2 online definitely has it's advantages; The terrain is much more dynamic feel to it and the realism is something that is unrivalled in other combat simulation games I've seen.
The expansive terrain increases the strategic aspects of the game which is a feature enjoyed by many FPS purist as one of the main complaints of MW2 was the map sizes being too small. Another major problem is modern warfare 2 has many overpowered Weapons and Perks, namely Pain Killer (annoying as hell) , Dual Winchester 1887 (though I think they have been nerfed because at one point you could shoot with them from about 30 yards out and still kill everything) and so on.

However for me the greatest feature of bad company by far is the plethora of vehicles available. Players are able to use a variety Motor boats, Bikes, tanks and most importantly Choppers like the Apache and black hawk (Even if you are not a fan of war games there is something highly satisfying about nose diving a helicopter kamikaze style into a group of unsuspecting enemies) Also baring in mind most of the terrain including buildings are destructible , the use of vehicles adds a dimension to the game that is just cannot be topped by Mw2.

So to summarise Battlefield: Bad company 2 is a visually superior, more balanced, more realistic and better overall game than Call of duty: Modern Warfare 2. And yet I find myself playing the latter far more often even though I've had it for longer.
Maybe it's just because I'm more familiar with MW2 , maybe it's because of the shorter online game length, maybe it's because of the nicer looking weapons. Or maybe, just maybe, at the end of a long day when I want to to chill out by means of a mass massacre I'd rather play a game where I can walk into a corridor or tunnel , empty 250 rounds of a machine gun and kill about 35 noobs in the space of 10 minutes rather than have to get into vehicles, look for enemies , disarm bombs and all that hassle that comes with bad company. I don't know, maybe I'm the noob! Drop me a mail or comments and let me know what you think and remember add me on ps3 as a friend, the names LanternX5.
See you there.