Wednesday 12 May 2010

Scene3&4 Hawk and Dove.

Scene 3
Bad Guys

Two men in 40’s on a bridge talking. Looking outward.
Guy 1 Older middle aged, ‘Have you acquired the package’ 
Guy 2 Mid 30’s, ‘Not yet’.
More chat
With out the camera panning away
Guy 1 takes off this glove then a cigarette appears in it.
As he takes a puff it lights.
We see a half covered tattoo as he raises his arm.

Guy 2 looks at him (like that should not have happened.)
Guy 1 my bosses don’t take disappointment well.

Scene 4

Day time Hawk is driving from work, when a beautiful women (tanned could be from brazil, ‘but we are not sure’ runs out into the road near to where Hawk is driving past. Training day moment. He looks but keeps on driving “not your normal hero move until he see’s she is being chased by a black women and white man. He is still not sure weather to aid the girl but stops the car, while he’s looking at the situation, the girl is running in is his direction, a van out of nowhere speeds towards the action he notices the driver and the licence plate and decides to get out his car for a better look. The two people get a hold of the girl just as the van pulls up. The two guy’s in the car jump out and they start to fight.

Fight and flight

Hawk reluctantly walking towards the situation and notices the girl gets free and is running towards him.
(Gee knew that would happen).

Does open up a thought, about starting the show with the focus on a white hero that gets killed at this point. And the girl runs to Hawk. Then the story then focuses on Hawk. MISDIRECTION.

She asks for his help, Hawk looks at her still deciding, he asks the question what this is about,
She looks at him, like now is not the time. Hawk looks at the fight to see the Black women in the fight reach into her jacket pocket. Hawk looks back at the girl. Getting in. just then shots hits the car the girl ducks, hawk looks at the hole then looks towards the fight to locate the shooter. But the gun is on the floor. You can see him deciding weather to join the fight or get the girl out of their (it’s a guy car thing) the girl shouts and hawk get’s in the car. 

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